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Behind the Star

Behind the Star is the official podcast of the Orange County Sheriff's Office, the largest law enforcement agency in Central Florida. From forensics to dispatch to the deputies on patrol, we share stories and talk to the brave men and women of law enforcement. 

Feb 8, 2024

In the concluding episode of our series on legislative reforms, we address a loophole in Risk Protection Orders (RPOs)—the lack of penalties for providing firearms to individuals under an RPO. Sheriff John Mina proposes making it a felony to knowingly give a gun to someone under an RPO. Cristal Maisonet, assistant general counsel at OCSO, joins us to discuss the impact of this change and how it would strengthen protections against gun violence.

(1:25) What is a Risk Protection Order (RPO)?
(2:10) How are RPO's implemented in Florida?
(7:50) Have RPO's been effective so far?
(10:10) Explaining the current loophole the law
(12:48) How do people respond to being placed under and RPO?
(14:02) Addressing the loophole